about us

We are a team that works to preserve our cultural manifestations and guarantee human rights.

We are a non-profit organization of black communities, created in 2007 (17 years) in the department of Caquetá, with recognition from the Ministry of Interior as a grassroots organization of NARP communities. We work from two strategic lines: Culture and Human Rights and 15 lines of action called legacies, in which our programs are framed: Leadership, literature, ethnic aesthetics, gastronomy, traditional ancestral medicine, Human Rights, spaces for participation and transformation, dance, music and song, food security, oral tradition, historical memory, Viche and ancestral beverages, income generation and socio-organizational strengthening.

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What we do

Our service to the community.

We work with hope for the culture and human rights of black and Afro-descendant communities. Dignity, leadership, transformation.
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Revenue generation

Sale of products for the endowment (uniforms, supplies and clothing).

Sale of ancestral beverages

Beverages based on viche products, by-products: arrechon, tomaseca, pipilongo and tumbacatre.

Music entertainment

Voices de Funamu intones ancestral rhythms such as currulados, alabados, Chigualo.

Gastronomic samples

In different events we present our own gastronomy from the cosmovision of the black communities.

Why work with us?

17 Years of experience

We have experience in the implementation of projects focused on the preservation and cultural diffusion of black communities and other projects of:

Food and nutritional security.

Promotion and protection of young people's rights.

Guarantee of women's rights.

Training programs.

Preservation of Ancestral customs.

Revenue Generation.



Beneficiary families

By the Ethnic Territories program with ICBF, for more than 3 consecutive years.



Young beneficiaries

Of the Ethnic Shake program.



Food bags

Of high nutritional value for our care families.



Training meetings

Of the Sacudete Étnicos program.



Direct jobs generated

To 2023 in alliances with state entities.



Community leaders

Trained and graduated.

Funamu Network

Our training, leadership, advocacy and participation seedbed.

Meet them at

Our Strategic Allies.

Our News

Latest News

Contact Us

Florencia - Caquetá,
Street 3B # 14 - 18 Versalles Neighborhood.

(+57) 313 833 4513


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It is a non-profit socio-cultural organization, defender of human rights.

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